Reliability and usability are key to the operation of heavy-duty industrial fans. Koja Oy was chosen as Finnsementti Oy's partner for the modernization of the fan.

Bahco Ventilation’s filter fan, which has been in use for more than 20 years, required repeated rebalancing. The condition surveys carried out by Koja revealed that the structure of the fan had reached the end of its life cycle. As Finnsementti's partner, Koja was also a natural choice for resolving the situation. Koja has strong expertise in fans as well as maintenance and modification work at different stages of their life cycle.


In accordance with the solution proposal made on the basis of the condition survey, the fan was modernized, where the rotating parts of the fan were replaced with the Koja structure.  

"It is not always necessary to replace the entire fan, sometimes it may make sense to upgrade only the rotating parts with the heaviest wear. In this case, the fan clutch, bearing unit, impeller and suction part were replaced during the replacement wor"k, says Vesa Aalto, the Business Area Manager of Koja Industrial Solutions’ service unit.

"Through the structures according to Koja's own design, it is possible to ensure the proper implementation of the durability analysis of the components and the manufacturing technical solutions. Critical dimensions were checked on site so that our design team could ensure a compatible, best end result."


Koja's delivery included modernization work on a turn-key basis, including lifting, installation and commissioning services. The work was carried out at the beginning of 2022 with the help of Koja's partners.

"The delivery model is designed according to the starting points and needs of each customer. Koja takes responsibility for the project by bringing together the know-how of experts and suppliers from different fields. We also have a wide range of services and expertise in life cycle services", says Vesa Aalto.  


Modernization work combined with well-timed, proactive maintenance will extend fan life again by decades. 

"Cooperation with Koja has worked smoothly. The work has been done flexibly listening to our wishes and the agreed schedules have been kept", states Toni Virtanen, the Area Manager of Finnsementti’s cement production.

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