Koja Group joins Eurovent

Koja Group joins Eurovent

Koja Group has formally joined Eurovent as a Corresponding Member in June 2023. Eurovent’s members from throughout Europe represent more than 1.000 organisations, the majority small and medium-sized manufacturers.

Networks and influencing opportunities

Through Eurovent membership, it is possible to influence the development of the industry and future regulations better than before. On the other hand, it also offers a an opportunity to network and gain valuable information about industry trends. A safe, sustainable living environment that supports people’s well-being is a common goal.

“We are excited to be a part of the Eurovent family. The membership helps us to ensure that our high-quality products and solutions meet the future requirements well in advance”, says Taneli Timlin, Chief Technology Officer of Koja Ltd, Buildings.

Expertise and experience

Koja Group has strong expertise in ventilation, cooling, heating and energy solutions. Through decades of experience, the company has achieved a position as Finland’s market leader in the field. Intelligent and innovative technology is created efficiently and safely with the aim of helping its customers achieve their own energy efficiency and environmental goals.

The family-owned Koja Group offers energy-efficient HVAC technology and air handling solutions for ships and buildings, as well as fan solutions for industry. Koja Group consists of the parent company Koja Group Ltd., Koja Ltd and Chiller Oy, as well as their subsidiaries and operations in Finland, Sweden and the United States.

Eurovent: Koja Group becomes Eurovent's newest member

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