Tom Allen Senera, Koja’s long-term partner, relies on HiLTO heat recovery units in its projects.
Koja and Tom Allen Senera have cooperated closely for a decade. Their smooth-running partnership is based on mutual trust and satisfaction. Tom Allen Senera has ordered heat recovery solutions from Koja and has been involved in enabling Koja’s equipment development.
“The benefits have definitely been mutual. Koja’s been able to fine-tune its equipment, and we’ve been provided with customised solutions that have been suitable and reliable without exception. We greatly appreciate the fact that our wishes are heard,” says Mika Manner, Technical Specialist at Tom Allen Senera.
– Se on ollut ehdottomasti molempien etu. Koja on pystynyt hiomaan laitteitaan entistä paremmiksi, kun taas me olemme saaneet juuri tarpeisiimme räätälöidyt ratkaisut, jotka ovat olleet poikkeuksetta ominaisuuksiltaan sopivia ja muutenkin toimintavarmoja. Arvostamme suuresti sitä, että toiveitamme kuunnellaan, kertoo Tom Allen Seneran teknologiajohtaja, diplomi-insinööri Mika Manner.
Tom Allen Senera provides buildings with energy efficiency solutions. The company is the leading operator in its field in Finland. It provides solutions for apartment buildings and detached houses, as well as office, business and commercial properties. The company implements around 100 real estate projects per year.
“One good example are apartment buildings with mechanical ventilation and rooftop exhaust fans but no heat recovery. Rooftop exhaust fans are now being replaced with heat recovery units in line with current standards. HiLTO EC is an excellent choice for this purpose,” says Manner.
For example, HiLTO EC is ideal for solutions in which heat pumps are used alongside district heating. There are various sources of heat to choose from, and hybrid systems have also become more common.
“Hybrid systems are combinations of geothermal heating and air, for example. The palette of various solutions is broad, and each solution largely needs to be customised for the site,” Manner explains.
Tom Allen Senera’s customers are used to good service and high quality, which the company also requires from its partners.
“If we promise cost savings, the customer must be able to take our word for it. Koja and HiLTO EC have delivered on customer promises without exception, and there have been no complaints,” says Manner.
Manner appreciates Koja’s flexibility and adaptability. Koja has responded to requests and needs promptly, and has listened to feedback.
“Our sites vary greatly, which means that air flow volumes can vary considerably. In such cases, it’s important that partly or even fully customised services are available, and Koja has succeeded in this,” says Manner.
“Koja has been a good partner and has provided excellent service from the very beginning. The services have always been delivered on schedule, sometimes at very short notice. We’re very pleased, and very willing to recommend Koja’s services to other operators in our sector,” says Manner.
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